Every pupil admitted to Supreme Education's AP has been on a unique educational journey. We are committed to being a positive and stabilising setting that bridges to continued education, whether that be another mainstream school or a specialist setting. Pupils are with us for varying amounts of time: some individuals will have a very short time with us (18 days) while others can remain in excess of 1 year dependent on the availability of provision. Our curriculum therefore needs to be flexible, personalised and designed to enable pupils to progress to the next stage on their educational journey. Our aim is to provide a curriculum that enables each child to shine: to nurture their individual talents and raise aspirations.
In any one classroom at Supreme Education we will have pupils from state-maintained schools and academies, who have experienced very different curriculums before joining us, and who may return or move on to another setting with a different curriculum. We have mixed age classes of children, many of whom are not working at age related expectations. It is therefore crucially important that our curriculum is flexible enough to enable us to meet a wide range of needs. A robust induction process ensures prior information is shared involving previous school and parents/carers. Each pupil who enters Supreme Education will be assessed on entry. Pupils complete baseline assessments in Maths and English, allowing staff to develop a personalised curriculum that fills any gaps they have in prior learning, and allows them to move at their own pace, whatever their starting point. Using the National Curriculum as a starting point we operate a two year rolling programme of themes indicating which topic is to be taught each term. Foundation subjects and, where appropriate, core subjects are taught under these themes.
Dear Parents, Carers and Visitors,
As Headteacher of Supreme Education AP I have the privilege of welcoming you to our website.
Re -engage all pupils as learners
Enhance the self – perception of pupils as learners
Inspire and motivate pupils, fostering a curiosity to learn
Enable all pupils to make progress from their individual starting points and to have success in learning underpinned by a focus on developing pupils’ social development, emotional wellbeing and mental health
Focus on developing pupil’s social, emotional and mental health
Have a strong curriculum focus on the facilitating subjects of English and Mathematics
Allow pupils to explore subjects beyond the core curriculum in a thematic approach
Support all pupils to lead healthy and safe lifestyles
Support all pupils to develop the skills, behaviours and attitudes that will enable them to reintegrate to and be successful in the next phase of their education
In- depth understanding of attachment theory, child development and neuroscience underpins and informs all aspects of The Beacon. Using this evidenced based research and theory ensures the greatest outcomes for our learners (for both academic and personal development).
The principles that underpin our pedagogy and all curriculum learning are:
The relationships are key
Children’s learning is understood developmentally
The Unit provides a symbolic secure base creating the sense of safety to enable pupils to explore and learn
The importance of containment through attunement and validation for the development of well being
All behaviour is communication
The importance of transition in children’s lives
The PSHE curriculum and embedded SMSC will ensure that The Beacon fulfills all our statutory obligations under equality legislation.
The primary measure of the impact of our curriculum will be student achievement and attainment. Our assessment policy contains the detail of how we assess pupils. We will further evaluate the impact of our curriculum in the following ways:
Engage all students in learning
Observations of Learning
Student voice
IPM Reviews
Weekly journal reviews
Daily mentor time reviews
Scaling and IBP analysis
Engagement scales
Analysis of pupil progress data
Qualitative data on pupil progress eg book scrutiny
Enable all students to make progress from their individual starting points, and to have successes in learning
Support all pupils to lead healthy and safe lifestlyles
Number of students successfully reintegrated to the next phase of their education
Support all pupils to the develop the skills, behaviours and attitudes that with enable them to reintegrate to, and be successful in a mainstream school
English, including a phonics programme using RWI
Religious Education